Pharmacovigilance Automation

The Medication Shield is Synapse Platform’s artificial intelligence solution for pharmacovigilance that facilitates the management of adverse event reports.

Streamlining Pharmacovigilance with the Medication Shield

The "Medication Shield" technology manages adverse drug reaction (ADR) signals in real-time by encoding them automatically into a standardized, international terminology (MedDRA) and ranking them by severity. This helps pharmacovigilance teams in their daily management of ADRs reports.

Real-Time Coding of ADEs 
with MedDRA Classification

The Medication Shield's natural language processing (NLP) algorithms extract the terms used when reporting an adverse reaction and find their corresponding term according to MedDRA classification. The Medication Shield then analyzes whether the adverse reaction is expected, its level of severity and its frequency.

Illustration Codage des effets indésirables selon la classification MedDRA

The Medication Shield Impact on Pharmacovigilance


Medication Shield AUC Performance 
(Area Under the Curve) Specificity / Sensitivity

From 40 to 2 minutes

Reduction in time spent per pharmacovigilance report

Seamless Integration with Third-Party Software

The Medication Shield integrates easily with third-party ADE management software. It allows actors involved in pharmacovigilance to benefit from the power of the Medication Shield’s artificial intelligence while continuing to use their everyday software.

Safeguarding the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in France

The Medication Shield is also being used as part of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in France. In partnership with the ANSM*, the integration of the Medication Shield facilitates the daily management of adverse event reports by pharmacovigilance teams.

*Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé

Scientific Publications 
on the Medication Shield

Les effets indésirables des médicaments sont devenus une source d’inquiétude importante pour les Français, comme l’a montré récemment la campagne de vaccination COVID-19, mais également les nombreuses autres affaires sanitaires par le passé.Le gouvernement français a choisi de déployer notre technologie Medication Shield à l’échelle nationale pour mieux protéger les Français des effets indésirables des médicaments.Elle sera bientôt disponible au sein de Goodmed, notre application mobile spécifique au grand public pour accompagner les Français sur la prise de leurs médicaments, la prévention des effets indésirables et leur prise en charge précoce.

Illustration Permettre à chacun de se protéger des effets indésirables

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